At Savvy Penguin, we are proponents of simplicity. We don't think web design should consist of an intricate maze of buttons, toolbars, flash items, and ill-fitting content. Instead, we feel that web sites should offer visitors a clear, straightforward map to the information they are looking for. All too often web designers create Da Vinci-esque works of art, that although stunningly beautiful, are horrifically difficult for customers to use. While other times, some designers create flawless navigational layouts that are the aesthetic equivalent of a preschooler's art project. We strive to find the happy medium between the two: we want to "keep it simple & straightforward".
To achieve this goal, we start with a site's content. No matter how many artistic elements you include on your pages, visitors are always looking for information. Is this information available? Is it easy to find? Is it grouped appropriately? Answers to all of these questions and more go into our initial analysis. As we've said before, beautiful doesn't necessarily mean helpful, so we must always start with a site's content. Secondly, we hash out a design. Many variables go into deciding on an appriopriate layout. We must choose color schemes, artistic themes, and photography that will appeal to a site's visitors. Demographics play a huge role in site design. After all, what senior citizen wants to visit a site aimed at teenagers? Once these general concepts are chosen, we are ready to begin.
In the end, our designs are some of the most thought-out and user-friendly ones you'll find. Your visitors will find them aesthtically pleasing, and thus view your organization in a healthy light; and they will find them easy to use, which also will speak well of your firm's service. Best of all, we don't charge an arm and a leg for out web site designs. Most designs are affordably priced between $2,500-$10,000 depending on their complexity. Call us at Savvy Penguin today and see what sets us apart from the competition.